Monday, March 17, 2014

Test Prep

March 17, 2014

1) Practice Test
2) Review Terms

Homework: Study for test tomorrow (Chapter 1-4) & Complete Study Guide! All Terms...

Here are the terms that need to be defined:

  1. Three Economic Questions
  2. Factors of Production
  3. Free Market
  4. Command Market
  5. Unemployment Rate
  6. Free Rider Problem
  7. Scarcity
  8. Entrepreneur 
  9. Adam Smith 
  10. Socialist
  11. Capitalist 
  12. Public Goods
  13. Durable Goods
  14. Non-Durable Goods
  15. GDP
  16. Elasticity of Demand
  17. Shifts in Demand
  18. Substitution Effect
  19. Law of Demand
  20. Complement
  21. Total Revenue 
  22. Normal Good
  23. Inferior Good
  24. Demand Curve
  25. Ceteris Paribus

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