Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Production Possibilities Frontier

September 4th 2013
Todays Agenda:
1) Read section 1.3 in the first chapter of our textbook- Economics Principles in Action.
2) Chapter 1- What is Economics? 6 Questions
3)  Production Possibilities Curve: Video 1
     Production Possibilities Curve: Video 2
4) Production Possibilities Frontier- Powerpoint

Today in class we discussed a new concept, Production Possibilities Frontier. Students front loaded the information by reading pages 13-18 in the textbook. Students were handed a worksheet, What is Economics? This worksheet will be homework due tomorrow. We watched two video clips discussing  the purpose of the production possibilities frontier. To finish class I handed out a review sheet for our quiz on Friday (9/6)

To complete
What is Economics- Worksheet Due 9/5
Chapter 1 Review Sheet Due 9/6

Two Orders of Business:

  • I received some emails today noting that I had yet to post on the blog and even though I am ecstatic that a student is using this wonderful online tool, the blog will be posted at the end of the day. On most days this blog will be posted around 3:30 but it could be as late as 5. 
  • I am attempting to avoid copyright infringement by trying to find an online copy of our textbook. For the homework there are only 6 questions and we have discussed each topic, I feel confident that everyone can answer them without the pages. Stay tuned to the blog to see if the pages are up by tonight. If you need the information to complete the worksheet I would suggest searching online or in older postings for the notes. I still expect you to have a completed worksheet for tomorrow!

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