Monday, September 30, 2013

Inelastic Vs Elastic

Agenda: September 30th, 2013

1) Read pages 90-96
2) Elasticity of Demand
3) Partner Work- Chapter 4 questions 1-6
4) Homework.

Test will be on Friday, Chapter 1-5

Chapter 4- Review
Section1: Understanding Demand Terms are due tomorrow.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Extra Quiz

Hey guys!
  I looked over the quizzes and it looks as though this should not be used as a quiz grade because it could bring quiz grades down.
 No homework! Go cheer on the lancers tomorrow.

Examples of Elasticity

Agenda: September 27th, 2013

1) Reviewed homework
2) Examples of elasticity
3) Possible quiz- If the quiz grade brings up everyones overall scores I will count it as a quiz grade if not it will be a class assignment.

Homework: None! enjoy mack plaque!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Elasticity of Demand

Agenda: September 26th, 2013

1) Checked off homework
2) Reviewed the 6 homework questions
3) Elasticity of Demand

Homework: None

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Demand Shifts

Agenda: September 25th, 2013

1) Checked homework
2) split students into groups of three/ four
3) Each student was to answer their group mates questions
4) Review questions in class

Students worked in a group to answer everyones questions. Each group had to pick a good question from their group to ask the entire class. We reviewed the students questions for the rest of the day.

1) Demand Questions - 6 questions that need to be graphed and answer any questions that go along with that questions. These 6 questions will be due tomorrow.

Have a good night.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Shifts in Demand

Agenda: September 24th, 2013

1) Reviewed graphs from yesterday's class
2) Shifts in Demand PP
3) Examples in class.

Today in class we discussed what happens when our demand graph shifts, what causes those shifts and how do we graph them.

Homework: For class tomorrow students need to create two situations, one where the shift is along the demand curve and one where the shift creates a new curve. Look at the Shifts in Demand PP if you need a refresher. Students can pick any product they would like, create a chart with the prices and quantity demanded, plot the points on a graph and come up with questions for the class. Tomorrow in class I will ask the class your two examples.  

Monday, September 23, 2013


Agenda: September 23rd, 2013

1) Passed back quizzes
2) Demand
3) Demand Worksheet
4) Demand Key Terms

Today in class we began by passing back the quizzes from last friday. We are on a new unit, Demand. Today in class we graphed the demand constant curve.

Homework: None
Extra Credit: Tomorrow in class, make your own individual demand curve. Create your own product & pricing. Plot the points on a graph. I will collect them in the beginning of class.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Extra Credit

As promised- After this quiz it looks like some of you guys could use some extra credit points. Tomorrow I will ask students to pass the extra credit in. On a piece of paper write down the score of the Patriots score. If students write it down and pass it forward that will be 2 points added to their quiz grade.

See everyone tomorrow! 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Free Enterprise- Safety Nets

Agenda: September 19th, 2013

1) Free Enterprise- Safety Nets

Today in class we finished the Free Enterprise system. Tomorrow we will be having a quiz on Chapter 3- Free Enterprise system! Tomorrow we will also be watching Roger & Me after the quiz.

1) Finish Chapter 3 Review for tomorrow!
2) Quiz Tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Free Enterprise- Public Goods

Agenda : September 18th, 2013

1) Chapter 3 Review
2) Checked both homework- Federal Agency / Pg 60 Questions
3) Free Enterprise-Day 3/ Public Goods / Notes

Today in class students were given time to start the homework due Friday (9/20)
 Their homework is The Chapter 3 Review quiz will be Friday covering chapter 3, Free Enterprise

1) Chapter 3 Review Due Friday
2) Quiz Friday

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Free Enterprise Day 2

Agenda: September 17th, 2013

1) Free Enterprise Day 2 ( Gives homework questions)
2) Class time to complete homework

Due tomorrow
1) Federal agency questions (Look on blog from yesterday)
2) Chapter 3- Section 2 Questions page 60.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Free Enterprise in the US

Agenda: September 16th, 2013

1) US Free Enterprise / Notes

Choose one of the the nine federal agencies and answer the following questions:
1)  Find a new article about the agency
2)  When was the agency created? Does it still exist today?
3)  What does the agency provide?
4)  Who receives the aid?
5)  What are the disadvantages? Who does this negatively affect?

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Extra Credit

September 15th, 2013

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekends! I told a few students to check online to see if I posted the extra credit assignment. Number 7 seemed to give some students trouble. The answer for number 7 is Allocate. See you all tomorrow, start getting excited to learn about the Free Enterprise of the United States!! 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Economic Systems Quiz

Agenda: September 13th, 2013

1) Checked homework- Page 3 of chapter 2 summaries packet & Chapter 2 review packet.
2) Students asked any questions regarding the packets
3) Economic Systems Quiz

Homework: None! Grades will be updated tonight, check X2
Extra Credit word search is due Monday

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Modern Markets/ Mixed Markets

Agenda: September 12th, 2013

1) Checked off HW/ What's Free about Free Enterprise? New York Times Article
2) Mixed Economies Powerpoint
3) Students were given the last ten minutes of class to work on homework packets.

Extra Credit: I posted an extra credit assignment last night but most of you did not check the blog and missed out on the opportunity. I am offering extra credit again tonight.
Tomorrow bring in examples of both positive and negative incentives that you have personally dealt with.

Quiz Tomorrow on Market systems.
Chapter 2 Packet Review : Due tomorrow!
The last page of economic systems: Due tomorrow

Remind your parents open house tonight!!! I hope I see everyone tonight.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Command Economies

Agenda: September 11th, 2013

1) Check homework / watch CNN student news
2) Command Economy Powerpoint / Notes
3) Homework- Economic Systems: 2nd Page

Extra Credit: Tomorrow bring in an example of a positive and negative incentive. When I come around the class to check the homework, show me your examples of both incentives. 

Homework: Economic Systems- 2nd page
Chapter 2 Review packet due Friday

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Free Markets

Agenda: 9/10/13
1) Checked Homework/ Reviewed the four different economic systems 
3) Handed out homework

This week we are discussing the different types of economic markets. Tomorrow we will be discussing Centrally planned economies.

Chapter 2- Section 1 textbook worksheet- front page due tomorrow 9/11/13
Chapter 2 Review : Due Friday 9/13

Monday, September 9, 2013

Economic Systems

Agenda: September 9th 2013

1) Passed back/ Reviewed Quizzes
2) Economic Systems- Powerpoint / Notes
3) Economic Systems- GO - Homework

Today in class I passed back the quizzes from Friday. The average test scores ranged from 94-95 for both economic classes. We started notes on the different economic systems. At the end of class I assigned homework. To complete the homework students will need to look in their textbooks at home, pages 23-27 as well as the notes taken in class.

Homework: Economic Systems- G.O Due Tomorrow. 

Dont forget, Parents Night is this Thursday!! Remind your parents/ guardians!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Chapter 1 Quiz

September 6th, 2013

1) Check off the 2 homework assignments for today.
2) Reviewed the key concepts for the quiz
3) Quiz

I went around the room to check off two homework assignments 1) Chapter One Key Terms 2) What is Economics Worksheet. We reviewed the material on the quiz and students took their quizzes.

Announcement: Check your X2 accounts this weekend. All your grades will be posted at some point this weekend.
No Homework! Enjoy the beautiful weather!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Production Possibilities Frontier Day 2

September 5th, 2013
1) Check homework/ Review
2) Passed out textbooks (meant to be left at home)
3) Production Possibilities Frontier Worksheet
4) PPF Homework Sheet

Today in class we went over examples of the Production Possibilities Frontier. We discussed the examples given for homework and then as a class worked on the PPF worksheet together. If you did not finished the PPF homework sheet that is due tomorrow as well as the Chapter 1 Key Terms sheet. We will have a quiz tomorrow- Be prepared!

The PPF Homework Sheet
Chapter 1 Review Sheet
Quiz Tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Production Possibilities Frontier

September 4th 2013
Todays Agenda:
1) Read section 1.3 in the first chapter of our textbook- Economics Principles in Action.
2) Chapter 1- What is Economics? 6 Questions
3)  Production Possibilities Curve: Video 1
     Production Possibilities Curve: Video 2
4) Production Possibilities Frontier- Powerpoint

Today in class we discussed a new concept, Production Possibilities Frontier. Students front loaded the information by reading pages 13-18 in the textbook. Students were handed a worksheet, What is Economics? This worksheet will be homework due tomorrow. We watched two video clips discussing  the purpose of the production possibilities frontier. To finish class I handed out a review sheet for our quiz on Friday (9/6)

To complete
What is Economics- Worksheet Due 9/5
Chapter 1 Review Sheet Due 9/6

Two Orders of Business:

  • I received some emails today noting that I had yet to post on the blog and even though I am ecstatic that a student is using this wonderful online tool, the blog will be posted at the end of the day. On most days this blog will be posted around 3:30 but it could be as late as 5. 
  • I am attempting to avoid copyright infringement by trying to find an online copy of our textbook. For the homework there are only 6 questions and we have discussed each topic, I feel confident that everyone can answer them without the pages. Stay tuned to the blog to see if the pages are up by tonight. If you need the information to complete the worksheet I would suggest searching online or in older postings for the notes. I still expect you to have a completed worksheet for tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Opportunity Cost

Agenda: September 3rd 2013

1) Opportunity Cost: Powerpoint and Notes
2) Thinking at the Margin Clip
3) Opportunity Cost Worksheet- Completed in class

Today in class we reviewed the Factors of Production and started discussing Opportunity Cost. Students took notes while I lectured on Opportunity Cost and Thinking at the Margin. There will be a quiz on Friday (9/6) that covers all the material covered in Chapter 1 of Economics: Principles in Action. We will discuss more about the quiz tomorrow in class.