Thursday, October 31, 2013

Quiz day!

October 31st, 2013

1) Checked homework.
2) Reviewed any questions.
3) Quiz
4) Raffle!!!!

I wont be in school tomorrow, listen to your substitute. Do the work and I will grade it and we will go over it Monday.

Homework: None, Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


October 30th, 2013

1) Today we individually worked on review of the different market systems
2) Took a Pre-test to better prepare ourselves for tomorrows quiz

Homework: Quiz Tomorrow, Review due tomorrow! Extra Credit...remember you are summarizing the  chapter in one page, use examples for the chapter!

Tomorrow is the last day for late work! We need to make up quizzes, tests & competencies!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Perfect, Monopoly, Monopolistic and Oligopolies too!

October 29th, 2013

1) Checked homework (Microsoft Monopoly reading) Discussion
2) Class discussion on the purpose of monopolies, can they be a good thing?
3) Market Structure Review - Due Thursday 10/31

Homework- Market Structure Review/ Quiz Thursday.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Regulation & Deregulation

October 28th, 2013

1) Regulation & Deregulation
2) Homework: Microsoft Monopoly, These questions will be due tomorrow.

Thursday is the last day to hand in late assignments / quizzes and tests! Make sure you get your act together by then!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Monopolistic & Oligopoly

October 25th, 2013

1) Monopolistic and Oligopoly
2) Monopolistic & Oligopoly Powerpoint
3) Fill in the blank notes

Homework: None, Have a great weekend.

The end of the quarter is quickly approaching. I have some students who are attendance failing, make sure you start your appeals process soon!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Perfect Markets & Monopolies

Agenda: October 23rd & 24th

1) Pure Competition
2) Monopolies  Powerpoint
3) NoteSheet

Homework: None.
Tomorrow we will be learning about monopolistic and oligopoly markets.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Importance of Prices

Agenda: October 22nd, 2013

1) Review of the Adam Smith article.
2) Prices Powerpoint
3) Beanie Babies reading article. Tomorrow we will pick up where we left off with the article and questions.

Homework: None, I am grading your competencies they will be graded shortly.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Supply & Demand Competency

Agenda: October 22nd, 2013

1) Reviewed any questions for the test.
2) Students were given the test and for those students who were absent last Friday or Thursday, we need to find time to make up the test. You cannot miss another class period to make the test up, we need to find time out of class.
3) Adam Smith reading.

In the beginning of tomorrows class we are going to recap this short reading. Two questions to think about... 1) How can Adam Smith be argued for both political parties? 2) " I am a beau in nothing but my books." Adam Smith, be able to explain this quote.

Homework: None, we start prices tomorrow.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Competency Tomorrow!

Agenda : October 18th, 2013

1) Reviewed for Competency tomorrow 10/21.
2) If you were absent on Friday, you will be working on the pre-competency.

Homework: Competency is tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Supply & Demand Continued

Agenda: October 16th, 2013

1) Collected homework from the previous night.
2) Supply and Demand Notes
3) Continued to work our packets, In class we continued with page 7, Prices.

We will be reviewing for our competency on supply and demand for the rest of the week. We will either take it on Friday or Monday.

Homework: Prices: Setting Prices: Do your best to complete the worksheet.
Reviewed Supply. Make sure you read the information for setting prices. A fixed start up cost of $250 and a $3 per cap charge, this information is vital for finding the different costs for each price.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Supply & Demand

Agenda : October 15th, 2013

1) Supply & Demand Notes
2) Supply & Demand Notes packet

Homework: First page of packet due tomorrow.
Check X2 for updated grades.
I cannot pass back tests until every student has taken it. If you would like to look at your test come tomorrow after school.

I will be staying after school, if you need help you should stay!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Shifting from the Left to the Right- Supply.

Agenda: October 10th, 2013

1) Finish packet reading. 3rd page
2) Graphing supply shifts to the left and right.

Tomorrow I will not be in class. You will be watching I.O.U.S.A and completing a worksheet that goes along with the video. Remember I only want to hear good things about my classes and if the sub has anything negative to report back to me, it will not be a good situation next week.

Homework: None, enjoy your holiday weekend

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Supply Elasticity

Agenda: October 9th, 2013

1) Supply Elasticity
2) Examples of what Supp(L)y and Demand look like when elastic and inelastic on a graph.
3) Began marginal cost and marginal revenues- we will continue this for tomorrow.

Homework: None- Last day of NECAP's tomorrow, make sure you get enough sleep and eat breakfast

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Examples of Supply

Agenda: October 8th, 2013

I remember taking the NECAP's and feeling so burnt out after. While NECAP's are being taken I will not assign students homework.

1) Partner work: Supply Worksheet ( Check chapter 6 for answer. )
2) More class examples of supply.

Homework: If you are taking the NECAP's get enough sleep and eat breakfast! Good Luck!

Monday, October 7, 2013


Agenda: October 7th, 2013

1) CNN Student News, Current Event- October 19th
2) The Instant Economist Reading
3) Began Supply

Homework: None, Juniors Good luck Tomorrow at NECAPS.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Calculation Elasticity

October 2nd, 2013

1) Checked Homework- Second Section of the Review sheet for tomorrows test.
2) Calculating Elasticity.
3) 4 Examples.

Today in class we discussed how to calculate elasticity by examining 4 problems. We spent the entire period to work on these four elasticity problems.
For homework students needed to complete the review sheet for chapter 4.

Homework: Complete section 3 of the review for tomorrow.
Test Friday- Covering Chapters 1-4.