Thursday, August 29, 2013

Factors of Production

Agenda 8/29/13

1) Collected Homework
-student note information sheet
2) Factors of Production powerpoint
3) Factors of Production Worksheet
4) Index Card

Today in class I collected the homework and then we began by taking notes of the Factors of Production. In this powerpoint we also discussed, goods VS services and wants VS needs. Students then had a worksheet to complete in class that we discussed. At the end on the period student wrote all the vocabulary of Chapter 1: Section 1 on an index card in preparation for a quiz next week.

No homework- Enjoy the long weekend!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Scarcity VS Shortage

Agenda 8/28/13

Scarcity Video Clip 
Intro To Econ PowerPoint
Scarcity VS Shortage Powerpoint
Scarcity Worksheet

Today in Class I introduced the definition of Economics. We first watched a video clip that glazed over the terms we would be discussing later in class. After the short clip was finished I gave two short powerpoint presentations, which students followed along while taking notes. The first power point was an introduction and the second focused on the concept of scarcity VS shortages. We finished the class by completing a worksheet together.

Homework: Students must have both syllabus and student information sheet signed by parent/guardian.

Have a wonderful night!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day 8/27

Daily Agenda     8/27/13

2) Index Card
3) Practice Quiz
4) Homework

Today we discussed the expectations of the class. Students were assigned two handouts for homework
Homework: Signed syllabus & Signed student information sheet. Both assignments will be due Thursday the 29th. 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Class Schedule

Welcome Back! I look forward to the upcoming school year! This is my schedule.
A- Prep
B- US History room 161
C- US History room 161
D- Prep
E- Economics room 126
F- Study Hall room 123
G- US History room 126
H- Economics room 161